Sunday, September 25, 2011

Osteoporosis Targets Young Women

Osteoporosis is a women's health issues. About 80% percent of people with osteoporosis are women, including young women who experienced cessation of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea). These women can experience bone loss because they have lower levels of estrogen, a hormone that helps keep calcium. And the problem is compounded by insufficient dietary nutrients, especially calcium.

Who are young women who tend to be targets of osteoporosis, we can see as follows :

1. Descendants Patients

If any family members who suffer from osteoporosis, so be careful. Osteoporosis attack patients with certain bone characteristics. As similarity stature and body form bones. That means in the line of the family must have the same genetic structure of bone. So keep your bones from now on so as not inherited the disease.

2. Thin and Small 

Skinny and petite stature has tended to lighter body weight, whereas the bone forming cells of origin will vigorously pressed by heavy weights. Because the position of supporting the weight of the bones will be stimulated to form bone mass in these areas. Especially in the hips and pelvis of Regional. If then the light weight of bone mass tends to be less fully formed.

3. Lazy Sports  

Women who are too lazy to move or exercise osteoblasnya process will be hampered. In addition to reduced bone mass density. The more motion and exercise the muscles will stimulate the bone to form a mass. 

4. Eating and Drinking is Bad 

Do not consume too much red meat and soft drinks, because they contain phosphorus which meangsang formation of parathyroid hormones, causes the release of calcium from the blood. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages can also cause brittle bones, brittle and damaged. This is confirmed by Dr. Robert and Dr. Heany. Karen Rafferty from the Creighton University Osteoporosis Research Center in Nebraska that found an association between caffeinated beverages with the rottenness of the bones. The result is that urine contains more caffeine drinkers calcium, and calcium was derived from the process of bone formation. Besides caffeine and alcohol is a toxin that inhibits the process of bone formation (osteoblasts).

5. Consuming Drugs Corticosteroids   

The drug is often used as anti-inflammation in asthma and allergic diseases. If dionsumsi often in high numbers will reduce bone mass. Therefore, corticosteroids inhibit the process of osteoblasts. Consult your doctor before you take this type of drug to the right dosage and not detrimental to bone.

6. Less Calcium  

If the body's calcium is less then the body will release hormones that will take calcium from other body parts, including those in bone.

How To Prevent Osteoporosis  

The loss of estrogen after menopause increases the chances of developing osteoporosis, the disorder that causes bones to become porous and brittle. The most appropriate way around that is to maximize bone density while still young. Generally, people begin to experience bone fragility and weakness at the age of 30 to 35. Ideally, prevention of osteoporosis should be started from the children. But no matter what age you are now, you can still make food choices and lifestyles different to keep the bones strong.

Women's health issues this one (osteoporosis) can be avoided by :
  • Adults need to eat foods rich in calcium (1000-1200 mg per day) to prevent osteoporosis. The National Institutes of Health recommends even more calcium to 1,500 mg per day for you over the age of 65 years. Foods rich in calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, and broccoli. One glass of milk contains about 300 mg of calcium.
  • If you are at risk for osteoporosis, the doctor will give you calcium tablets. However, calcium can be dangerous in certain circumstances. Therefore, ask your doctor before taking high doses of calcium supplements. Calcium supplements are recommended for those who are not strong with the lactose and for those who do not regularly consume three or more foods containing calcium daily
  • What is needed to help keep calcium in bones. This requirement can be fulfilled from drinking milk. Vitamin D is cheap and free is sunlight because the body makes vitamin D when ultraviolet light touches the skin.
  • Diligent walking, dancing, gymnastics or jogging.