Sunday, September 25, 2011

Osteoporosis Targets Young Women

Osteoporosis is a women's health issues. About 80% percent of people with osteoporosis are women, including young women who experienced cessation of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea). These women can experience bone loss because they have lower levels of estrogen, a hormone that helps keep calcium. And the problem is compounded by insufficient dietary nutrients, especially calcium.

Who are young women who tend to be targets of osteoporosis, we can see as follows :

1. Descendants Patients

If any family members who suffer from osteoporosis, so be careful. Osteoporosis attack patients with certain bone characteristics. As similarity stature and body form bones. That means in the line of the family must have the same genetic structure of bone. So keep your bones from now on so as not inherited the disease.

2. Thin and Small 

Skinny and petite stature has tended to lighter body weight, whereas the bone forming cells of origin will vigorously pressed by heavy weights. Because the position of supporting the weight of the bones will be stimulated to form bone mass in these areas. Especially in the hips and pelvis of Regional. If then the light weight of bone mass tends to be less fully formed.

3. Lazy Sports  

Women who are too lazy to move or exercise osteoblasnya process will be hampered. In addition to reduced bone mass density. The more motion and exercise the muscles will stimulate the bone to form a mass. 

4. Eating and Drinking is Bad 

Do not consume too much red meat and soft drinks, because they contain phosphorus which meangsang formation of parathyroid hormones, causes the release of calcium from the blood. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages can also cause brittle bones, brittle and damaged. This is confirmed by Dr. Robert and Dr. Heany. Karen Rafferty from the Creighton University Osteoporosis Research Center in Nebraska that found an association between caffeinated beverages with the rottenness of the bones. The result is that urine contains more caffeine drinkers calcium, and calcium was derived from the process of bone formation. Besides caffeine and alcohol is a toxin that inhibits the process of bone formation (osteoblasts).

5. Consuming Drugs Corticosteroids   

The drug is often used as anti-inflammation in asthma and allergic diseases. If dionsumsi often in high numbers will reduce bone mass. Therefore, corticosteroids inhibit the process of osteoblasts. Consult your doctor before you take this type of drug to the right dosage and not detrimental to bone.

6. Less Calcium  

If the body's calcium is less then the body will release hormones that will take calcium from other body parts, including those in bone.

How To Prevent Osteoporosis  

The loss of estrogen after menopause increases the chances of developing osteoporosis, the disorder that causes bones to become porous and brittle. The most appropriate way around that is to maximize bone density while still young. Generally, people begin to experience bone fragility and weakness at the age of 30 to 35. Ideally, prevention of osteoporosis should be started from the children. But no matter what age you are now, you can still make food choices and lifestyles different to keep the bones strong.

Women's health issues this one (osteoporosis) can be avoided by :
  • Adults need to eat foods rich in calcium (1000-1200 mg per day) to prevent osteoporosis. The National Institutes of Health recommends even more calcium to 1,500 mg per day for you over the age of 65 years. Foods rich in calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, and broccoli. One glass of milk contains about 300 mg of calcium.
  • If you are at risk for osteoporosis, the doctor will give you calcium tablets. However, calcium can be dangerous in certain circumstances. Therefore, ask your doctor before taking high doses of calcium supplements. Calcium supplements are recommended for those who are not strong with the lactose and for those who do not regularly consume three or more foods containing calcium daily
  • What is needed to help keep calcium in bones. This requirement can be fulfilled from drinking milk. Vitamin D is cheap and free is sunlight because the body makes vitamin D when ultraviolet light touches the skin.
  • Diligent walking, dancing, gymnastics or jogging.      

Friday, September 23, 2011

Danger of Drinking Coffee for Women's Breasts

Coffee is one of the drinks are quite popular as a friend to relax and calm the mind. So tenarnya, to the extent that there is the term coffee break to indicate a break during a meeting, seminar, and so on. But behind the pleasure of coffee, it turns out there are many dangers that memboncengnya, especially for the health of our bodies. Moreover, does the caffeine content in it has the effect of 'opium' that could lead to someone addicted to coffee.
For women, consuming too much coffee can give a direct negative impact on their breasts. Here are a few :
1. Lump in breast
Caffeine can cause fibrocystic breast, which contains cells that collect the fluid in the cysts that often make a lump or lumps in the breast. The characters in the form of lumps that move freely round the breast. These lumps are often tender when touched. Can be permanent or temporary nature, but certainly, the symptoms will get worse before menstruation and early pregnancy. Fibrocystic breast because caffeine intake is usually not increase the risk of breast cancer and is also dependent on age and hormonal factors.
2. Pain in the breast
In addition to causing lumps, caffeine also causes discomfort and pain in the breast. Caffeine intake can aggravate the pain if you have previously suffered from fibrocystic breasts. According to the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, this pain can come continuously or only occasionally.
3. Breasts are solid
Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that a high intake of caffeine that causes breast fibrocystic changes can also lead in certain areas in the breast becomes solid.
4. Breast size tends to shrink
Based on research, about half of the female population has a certain gene that makes fat tissue to shrink from too much coffee (three cups per day or more). As a result, their breast will tend to slack and shrinking. For those who are conducting exercises to enlarge the breasts of course this can be detrimental and is obligatory to be avoided.        

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Women's Risk of Cervical Cancer

No woman wanted to have cancer. But in reality, all women remain at risk of suffering from cervical cancer (cervical cancer). Especially in women who have had sexual intercourse. Young women were not spared from the threat of cervical cancer. Why is that?

The death rate from cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is still high. In the world, every two minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer. Still higher incidence of cervical cancer is a misnomer. This is because cervical cancer is a disease that has been known to cause illness and has been known to travel. Plus there is also a method of early detection of cervical cancer, cervical cancer so it really can be avoided.

HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer 

Close link between infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and cervical cancer. HPV infection was detected in 99.7% cases of cervical cancer. HPV infections are easily transmitted through genital skin contact. So, all women at risk for HPV infection since the first intercourse. Indeed, most HPV infections go away by itself because of the body's natural immune system, but some of them will persist, depending on the type of HPV that infect. Cervical cancer occurs through the persistent HPV infection.

Every woman who has been infected with HPV does not mean that will instantly have immunity against HPV. Possible risk of recurrent infection (reinfection) of HPV types remain the same or different, so that ultimately all women remain at risk of suffering from cervical cancer. Risk of developing cervical cancer increases when women were smokers (two times greater risk), HIV positive, suffering from chlamydial infection, giving birth to many children, and there is a history of cervical cancer in the family.    

Early Detection of Cervical Cancer 

In the precancerous stage that often cause no symptoms, was found abnormal cells in the cervix that can be detected through a pap smear. If these abnormal cells develop further into cervical cancer, symptoms such as pain during intercourse, bleeding after intercourse, bleeding outside of the menstrual cycle, and whitish turbid and smelly. Cervical cancer journey takes 10-20 years starting from the stage of infection, precancerous to develop into cervical cancer.

Currently, the methods used to detect early cervical cancer has progressed. Expected by the early detection, can be found abnormal cells in the precancerous stage, so that therapy can be done immediately and prevent further progression into cervical cancerHere are a few methods of early detection of cervical cancer :  
  • Pap smear screening, Pap smear is the way most commonly used and widely known. Done by taking a cervical mucus, and then examined with a microscope to detect abnormalities in the cervix. You who are married or have an active sexual intercourse, it is advisable to do a pap smear regularly. Pap smear with a liquid medium called thin-prep (Base Liquid cytology / LBC) with higher sensitivity than conventional Pap smears. While the pap smear exam preparation by using interactive computer system called the Pap-net.
  •  VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) IVA is an alternative screening method for cervical cancer. On examination IVA, used acetic acid with a concentration of 3-5% which dipulaskan the cervix. At this stage there will be the color of precancerous white patches.
Pap smear screening was limited, not a diagnosis of cervical cancer. If found abnormal pap smear results, the standard form of colposcopy examination. Colposcopy is an examination with a magnification that is used to observe directly the surface of the cervix and the cervix are abnormal. In patients suspected of suffering from cervical cancer, followed by a biopsy examination, namely by taking a small tissue sample. Biopsy results are the basis of diagnosis is uncertain whether the patient is suffering from cervical cancer or not. From this newly defined appropriate therapy for patients.
Cervical Cancer Can be Prevented

There are two ways to prevent cervical cancer. The first way to prevent pre-cancerous stage, ie, by avoiding risk factors for cervical cancer. A second way to perform early detection to find the precancerous stage before they become cancerous. Not having sexual intercourse at an early age, not bergonti sexual partners, and are not paired with those who previously had multiple sexual partners is an effort to avoid HPV infection.
Currently, cervical cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccine. HPV vaccine aimed at preventing infection with HPV types 16 and 18 which is a high-risk HPV causes more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Giving the vaccine should be performed on women who have not or are not infected with HPV before sexual intercourse (may be given at age 10-55 years).
HPV vaccine is a vaccine prophylaxis (prevention), rather than therapeutic vaccines (treatment). Vaccine schedule is divided into 3 doses ie at month-0, to-1, and to-6. The best prevention is to do vaccinations and pap smears at regular intervals.
Because the majority of HPV infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse, then maintaining a healthy sexual behavior and conduct regular screening is the best that can be done. Take care of your reproductive health. The women, you are too valuable to the family and those around you. Do not let your happiness snatched cervical cancer.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Health Screening for Women

Why Women Need To Perform Medical Examination ?

There is a saying that in every family there is definitely a happy healthy women. Women can be described as the support of family, healthy women will be able to maintain the health of other family members. Therefore, even minor illnesses experienced by women can also affect all other family members.

The medical examination is important to be done by everyone, as well as health checks for women. Due to regular health checks can help to find any health problems even before symptoms appear. The medical examination can also find health problems early, so the likelihood of success of therapy is carried out will also be greater.

What Must Be Prepared ?  

Health checks are done to women, including health checks in general which is also usually done by men & a special medical examination on the body's organ present only in women.

Therefore, here are some things to consider before a medical examination for women, such as those taken from following :  
  • Try to do a health check when not menstruating, because in some medical tests such as pap smears, menstrual blood can affect the results of these tests.
  • If you want to do a pap smear, then within 24 hours in advance, you should not use liquid cleaners vagina (vaginal douches), tampons, and medicines in the vagina because it can eliminate abnormal cells that may exist.
  • Do not engage in sexual relations at least 24 hours before performing Pap smears because the semen may be mixed with mucus in the vagina & influence the results of tests performed.
  • Tell the doctor that a medical examination when using a particular contraceptive method, the possibility of pregnancy or experiencing certain symptoms such as itching, redness, pain or changes in vaginal mucus or receive a specific treatment therapies.
In addition, the site, recommended if you want to do a pap smear should be performed on a day-to-10 or the 20 th counted from the first day of menstruation.   

Suggested Types of Health Checks To Do ?   

As mentioned earlier, the medical examination is intended to find any health problems before causing symptoms. Here is a list of some of the medical examination is recommended to be done by the woman, who was taken from : 

* Breast Examination 

Breast examination is performed to determine the presence or absence of disease in the breast such as cancer or breast tumors. These health checks can actually be done at home, but if necessary can also be an examination by a doctor to determine whether there is a lump or change in breast shape abnormal. Should also consult a doctor if necessary other investigations such as mammograms, based on age, family medical history, etc.

* Pap Smear  

The medical examination was conducted to determine whether there are abnormal cells in the cervix as a sign of cervical cancer (cervical). If aged between 21-65 years old & have been sexually active, then the pap smear examination should be performed every 1-3 years. But if it has aged> 65 years old & recent Pap smear showed normal r

* Examination of The Presence or Absence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases  

The presence of sexually transmitted diseases can be difficult to make a woman pregnant, affects babies who are conceived or other health problems. If age <24 years & have been sexually active, can be tested against Chlamydia. If age> 24 years, can consult a doctor to do tests on chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases.

* Rectal Examination  

Starting from the age of 50 years, began to be performed rectal examination to determine whether there is cancer in the anus / rectum. But if you have a family history of anal cancer, it can be done a medical examination at an earlier age anymore.

* Blood Pressure Checks  

Since the age of 18 years, should do blood pressure checks at least every 2 years. Called high blood pressure if> than 140/90. High blood pressure can cause stroke, heart attack, kidney & eye problems and heart failure.

* Blood Sugar Checks  

Do check your blood sugar if you have blood pressure> 135/80 or if taking medication for high blood pressure. Diabetes (high blood sugar) can cause health problems in heart, brain, eyes, legs, kidneys, nervous system & other organs.

* Cholesterol Checks  

Starting at age 20 years, should begin the examination of cholesterol levels on a regular basis if : 
  • Smoking.
  • Overweight / obesity.
  • Having high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Having never experienced a medical history of heart disease or clogged blood vessels.
  • Having a male family member who suffered a heart attack before age 50 years or in women before age 60 years.
* Examination of Bone Loss (Osteoporosis)      

At the age of 65 years, should ask for medical examination to determine their having strong bones. If age <65 years, can consult a doctor about whether or not the examination of bone loss (osteoporosis) is.

Besides those mentioned above there are still other health checks may also be performed, for example, examination of mental condition, whether depressed or not, and examined the body mass index (BMI) to determine whether obese or overweight. Obesity & overweight can lead to diabetes & cardiovascular disease.

Which is recognizable especially our own bodies, so that when changes are unusual, can be immediately recognizable & health checks done as a first step towards early detection of disease.   

Monday, September 19, 2011

Urinary Tract Infection in Women

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are fairly common type of infection experienced by women. In the UK alone based on data from, 1 in 3 women under the age of 24 years of experience urinary tract infections. And at least half the other women will experience a urinary tract infection was once in his life. Although urinary tract infections can also occur in men, but the number of events much less when compared to women.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection that is often perceived are :
  • The presence of pain or burning when urinating
  • The desire for frequent urination
  • Pain in lower abdomen
Urinary Tract    
Urinary tract consists of several parts, namely :
  • Kidney : Serves to filter all the waste from the blood & converted into urine / urine. 
  • Ureter : Serves to channel urine / urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  • Bladder : the organ is shaped like a balloon & serves to store urine / urine prior to release.
  • Urethra : Is the drain urine / urine from the bladder through the penis in men or between vagina & clitoris in women.
Types of Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections can occur when there is a part of the urinary tract is infected, usually due to bacteria. Bacteria can enter the urinary tract through the urethra or even via the blood stream, although much less common. Although there is no obvious cause, why a urinary tract infection can occur but most women reported having urinary tract infections after sexual intercourse.
There are two types of urinary tract infections, namely :
  • Lower urinary tract infection: Occurs in the lower urinary tract, including bladder & urethra. Infections that occur in the bladder is called cystitis, while that occurs in the urethra is called urethritis
  • Upper urinary tract infections: Occurs in the upper urinary tract, which includes the kidneys & ureter. Upper urinary tract infection is more serious than lower urinary tract infections because they have the risk of damage to the kidneys.
Cure rates of urinary tract infections can be spelled out very well. Because the infection is usually mild & will disappear within 4-5 days. When necessary, antibiotics may be used to speed healing time. Nevertheless, there are some women who reported the occurrence of recurrent urinary tract infections, requiring treatment with antibiotics for a long time to prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections.   
Source : 


Friday, September 16, 2011

When Coming Irregular Menstruation (oligomenorrhea)

The teenage daughter, at the beginning of menstruation often experience irregular menstrual coming every month. It is sometimes also raises questions of the parents, it normal that? or there are women who previously regular menstruation every month, but later become irregular. For that, this time medicastore try to load an article about irregular menstruation coming or also called oligomenorrhea.

The Coming Irregular Menstruation

Medical dictionaries define oligomenorrhea as menstrual or menstrual irregularities came a little. But the doctors tried to narrow the definition, so the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea is a woman who previously menstruated regularly before experiencing menstrual problems that come irregularly. In people who have oligomenorrhea, menstrual cycles occur typically longer than 35 days, so just having periods 4-9 times a year.

In women of reproductive age who is new to an end or new age, it is very common to experience irregular menstruation. This is normal and is usually the result of a less than perfect coordination of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland & ovaries. There are also some women who without any reason having menstrual periods every two months, but for them it is normal & not because of a health problem.

Women who have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) are also frequently experience oligomenorrhea. PCOS itself is a condition in which the ovaries contain cysts. Women who have PCOS have menstrual irregularities, can be either oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea or even menstruation very much. This condition is usually associated with excessive levels of androgen hormones in the body.

In addition there are also some factors that may cause menstrual irregularities in women, namely :
  • Emotional stress.
  • Chronic pain.
  • Nutrients are lacking.
  • The existence of such eating disorders in patients with anorexia nervosa.
  • Excessive physical exercise.
  • The presence of tumor that affects estrogen secretion.
  • Use of illicit drugs anabolic steroids to boost athletic abilities.
The female professional ballet dancers, gymnasts & ice skating players, those at high risk for experiencing oligomenorrhea because they combine strenuous physical exercise with a strict diet to keep her weight does not rise.
Irregular menstrual come, now known also as one of the three health problems experienced by female athletes, so dubbed by the "female athlete triad", the other is eating disorders & osteoporosis. The third is called a health problem formally at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in 1993, but doctors have known about the combination of health problems between the loss of bone mass, easily broken bones, an eating disorder with the participation of women in sports a few decades earlier. The coaches women begin to realize a lot about it since the early 1990's & encourage female athletes to get the health consultations on the matter.
Symptoms and Causes of Menstrual Disorders Coming (Oligomenorea)            
Symptoms of oligomenorrhea include :
  • Menstrual cycle period of more than 35 days.
  • Menstrual Irregularities in an amount not necessarily.
  • In some women who have oligomenorrhea sometimes also have difficulty conceiving.   
Oligomenorrhea occurring in adolescents, often due to lack of synchronization between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland & ovaries. The hypothalamus is part of the brain that regulates body temperature, metabolism of cells and basic functions like eating, sleeping and reproduction. Hypothalamus regulate hormones that regulate spending pituitary gland. Then the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of hormones that affect growth and reproduction. At the beginning & end of the reproductive period of women, some of these hormones may be less synchronized, so that will cause irregular menstruation.
In PCOS, oligomenorrhea can be caused by hormone levels of male & female hormone that is not appropriate. Male hormone is produced in small quantities by each woman, but in women who have PCOS, levels of male hormones (the androgens) higher than in other women. In female athletes, models, actresses, dancers, or who have anorexia nervosa, oligomenorrhea occurs because the ratio between body fat to lose weight very much.
Coming examination Menstrual Disorders (oligomenorrhea)   
Examination to determine whether someone is experiencing oligomenorrhea or not, is usually done in several ways, namely :
  1. Physical Examination & History of Menstrual Cycle                
    For the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea, a doctor may ask the patient's menstrual history in detail, including what the problem is, how long it has happened, & the other patterns that may be known to the patient. To help the doctor's diagnosis, the patient can record the time of menstruation, frequency, duration & quantity of menstrual bleeding. Patients should also notify the doctor about a new disease suffered by including health conditions experienced by such as diabetes mellitus. In addition it also requires a doctor's patient information on diet, physical exercise patterns, sexual activity, contraceptive use, use of drugs or surgical procedures that ever lived.

    The doctor will then perform a physical examination, among others to: evaluate the proportion of patient body weight to height, saw signs of normal sexual development, see if your heart rate & other vital signs normal, and feel the thyroid gland to see whether there is swelling.

    For the case experienced by female athletes, need to also ask about diet, exercise schedule & use of drugs such as steroids & ephedrine. If necessary the doctor will give kuisinoer about whether patients at risk of developing anorexia or bulimia.
  2. Examination in Laboratory
    After knowing the patient's medical history, your doctor will perform a pelvic exam & pap tests. To determine the specific causes of oligomenorrhea, doctors can also perform a pregnancy test & blood tests to determine thyroid hormone levels.                                                                                   
  3. Examination
    In some cases, doctors will suggest to do other tests, such as ultrasound to examine the pelvic area & see whether there is any anatomical abnormalities, X-ray or bone scan to determine the presence or absence of fracture, even an MRI to see whether or not a tumor affect the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
Handling Irregular Menstruation What Comes (oligomenorrhea)
Handling for coming is irregular menstrual or oligomenorrhea depends on the cause. In teenagers & women entering menopause do not usually require any treatment, because it will disappear by itself. For female athletes, changes in eating habits & exercise routines can simply restore the menstrual cycle becomes normal again.
Most patients with oligomenorrhea treated with the Pill. For others, including those with PCOS, treated with certain hormones, depending on what's needed hormones.

When oligomenorrhea occurs akrena eating disorders, or as in "the female athlete triad", the main cause of the problem must be addressed first. Consult with a psychiatrist and Nutritionist to address the problem of eating habits. In female athletes may also need physical therapy or rehabilitation.