Thursday, September 22, 2011

Women's Risk of Cervical Cancer

No woman wanted to have cancer. But in reality, all women remain at risk of suffering from cervical cancer (cervical cancer). Especially in women who have had sexual intercourse. Young women were not spared from the threat of cervical cancer. Why is that?

The death rate from cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is still high. In the world, every two minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer. Still higher incidence of cervical cancer is a misnomer. This is because cervical cancer is a disease that has been known to cause illness and has been known to travel. Plus there is also a method of early detection of cervical cancer, cervical cancer so it really can be avoided.

HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer 

Close link between infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and cervical cancer. HPV infection was detected in 99.7% cases of cervical cancer. HPV infections are easily transmitted through genital skin contact. So, all women at risk for HPV infection since the first intercourse. Indeed, most HPV infections go away by itself because of the body's natural immune system, but some of them will persist, depending on the type of HPV that infect. Cervical cancer occurs through the persistent HPV infection.

Every woman who has been infected with HPV does not mean that will instantly have immunity against HPV. Possible risk of recurrent infection (reinfection) of HPV types remain the same or different, so that ultimately all women remain at risk of suffering from cervical cancer. Risk of developing cervical cancer increases when women were smokers (two times greater risk), HIV positive, suffering from chlamydial infection, giving birth to many children, and there is a history of cervical cancer in the family.    

Early Detection of Cervical Cancer 

In the precancerous stage that often cause no symptoms, was found abnormal cells in the cervix that can be detected through a pap smear. If these abnormal cells develop further into cervical cancer, symptoms such as pain during intercourse, bleeding after intercourse, bleeding outside of the menstrual cycle, and whitish turbid and smelly. Cervical cancer journey takes 10-20 years starting from the stage of infection, precancerous to develop into cervical cancer.

Currently, the methods used to detect early cervical cancer has progressed. Expected by the early detection, can be found abnormal cells in the precancerous stage, so that therapy can be done immediately and prevent further progression into cervical cancerHere are a few methods of early detection of cervical cancer :  
  • Pap smear screening, Pap smear is the way most commonly used and widely known. Done by taking a cervical mucus, and then examined with a microscope to detect abnormalities in the cervix. You who are married or have an active sexual intercourse, it is advisable to do a pap smear regularly. Pap smear with a liquid medium called thin-prep (Base Liquid cytology / LBC) with higher sensitivity than conventional Pap smears. While the pap smear exam preparation by using interactive computer system called the Pap-net.
  •  VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) IVA is an alternative screening method for cervical cancer. On examination IVA, used acetic acid with a concentration of 3-5% which dipulaskan the cervix. At this stage there will be the color of precancerous white patches.
Pap smear screening was limited, not a diagnosis of cervical cancer. If found abnormal pap smear results, the standard form of colposcopy examination. Colposcopy is an examination with a magnification that is used to observe directly the surface of the cervix and the cervix are abnormal. In patients suspected of suffering from cervical cancer, followed by a biopsy examination, namely by taking a small tissue sample. Biopsy results are the basis of diagnosis is uncertain whether the patient is suffering from cervical cancer or not. From this newly defined appropriate therapy for patients.
Cervical Cancer Can be Prevented

There are two ways to prevent cervical cancer. The first way to prevent pre-cancerous stage, ie, by avoiding risk factors for cervical cancer. A second way to perform early detection to find the precancerous stage before they become cancerous. Not having sexual intercourse at an early age, not bergonti sexual partners, and are not paired with those who previously had multiple sexual partners is an effort to avoid HPV infection.
Currently, cervical cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccine. HPV vaccine aimed at preventing infection with HPV types 16 and 18 which is a high-risk HPV causes more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Giving the vaccine should be performed on women who have not or are not infected with HPV before sexual intercourse (may be given at age 10-55 years).
HPV vaccine is a vaccine prophylaxis (prevention), rather than therapeutic vaccines (treatment). Vaccine schedule is divided into 3 doses ie at month-0, to-1, and to-6. The best prevention is to do vaccinations and pap smears at regular intervals.
Because the majority of HPV infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse, then maintaining a healthy sexual behavior and conduct regular screening is the best that can be done. Take care of your reproductive health. The women, you are too valuable to the family and those around you. Do not let your happiness snatched cervical cancer.