Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Health Screening for Women

Why Women Need To Perform Medical Examination ?

There is a saying that in every family there is definitely a happy healthy women. Women can be described as the support of family, healthy women will be able to maintain the health of other family members. Therefore, even minor illnesses experienced by women can also affect all other family members.

The medical examination is important to be done by everyone, as well as health checks for women. Due to regular health checks can help to find any health problems even before symptoms appear. The medical examination can also find health problems early, so the likelihood of success of therapy is carried out will also be greater.

What Must Be Prepared ?  

Health checks are done to women, including health checks in general which is also usually done by men & a special medical examination on the body's organ present only in women.

Therefore, here are some things to consider before a medical examination for women, such as those taken from women.webmd.com following :  
  • Try to do a health check when not menstruating, because in some medical tests such as pap smears, menstrual blood can affect the results of these tests.
  • If you want to do a pap smear, then within 24 hours in advance, you should not use liquid cleaners vagina (vaginal douches), tampons, and medicines in the vagina because it can eliminate abnormal cells that may exist.
  • Do not engage in sexual relations at least 24 hours before performing Pap smears because the semen may be mixed with mucus in the vagina & influence the results of tests performed.
  • Tell the doctor that a medical examination when using a particular contraceptive method, the possibility of pregnancy or experiencing certain symptoms such as itching, redness, pain or changes in vaginal mucus or receive a specific treatment therapies.
In addition, the site www.cancer.gov, recommended if you want to do a pap smear should be performed on a day-to-10 or the 20 th counted from the first day of menstruation.   

Suggested Types of Health Checks To Do ?   

As mentioned earlier, the medical examination is intended to find any health problems before causing symptoms. Here is a list of some of the medical examination is recommended to be done by the woman, who was taken from www.ahrq.gov : 

* Breast Examination 

Breast examination is performed to determine the presence or absence of disease in the breast such as cancer or breast tumors. These health checks can actually be done at home, but if necessary can also be an examination by a doctor to determine whether there is a lump or change in breast shape abnormal. Should also consult a doctor if necessary other investigations such as mammograms, based on age, family medical history, etc.

* Pap Smear  

The medical examination was conducted to determine whether there are abnormal cells in the cervix as a sign of cervical cancer (cervical). If aged between 21-65 years old & have been sexually active, then the pap smear examination should be performed every 1-3 years. But if it has aged> 65 years old & recent Pap smear showed normal r

* Examination of The Presence or Absence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases  

The presence of sexually transmitted diseases can be difficult to make a woman pregnant, affects babies who are conceived or other health problems. If age <24 years & have been sexually active, can be tested against Chlamydia. If age> 24 years, can consult a doctor to do tests on chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases.

* Rectal Examination  

Starting from the age of 50 years, began to be performed rectal examination to determine whether there is cancer in the anus / rectum. But if you have a family history of anal cancer, it can be done a medical examination at an earlier age anymore.

* Blood Pressure Checks  

Since the age of 18 years, should do blood pressure checks at least every 2 years. Called high blood pressure if> than 140/90. High blood pressure can cause stroke, heart attack, kidney & eye problems and heart failure.

* Blood Sugar Checks  

Do check your blood sugar if you have blood pressure> 135/80 or if taking medication for high blood pressure. Diabetes (high blood sugar) can cause health problems in heart, brain, eyes, legs, kidneys, nervous system & other organs.

* Cholesterol Checks  

Starting at age 20 years, should begin the examination of cholesterol levels on a regular basis if : 
  • Smoking.
  • Overweight / obesity.
  • Having high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Having never experienced a medical history of heart disease or clogged blood vessels.
  • Having a male family member who suffered a heart attack before age 50 years or in women before age 60 years.
* Examination of Bone Loss (Osteoporosis)      

At the age of 65 years, should ask for medical examination to determine their having strong bones. If age <65 years, can consult a doctor about whether or not the examination of bone loss (osteoporosis) is.

Besides those mentioned above there are still other health checks may also be performed, for example, examination of mental condition, whether depressed or not, and examined the body mass index (BMI) to determine whether obese or overweight. Obesity & overweight can lead to diabetes & cardiovascular disease.

Which is recognizable especially our own bodies, so that when changes are unusual, can be immediately recognizable & health checks done as a first step towards early detection of disease.